
Meet Cinnamoroll! (Pattern)

Heya! This week I'm bringing you Cinnamoroll! That's right, the cute fluffy cinnamon roll lover! We went on a mini vacation the other day and I desperately needed something I could work on in the car that wasn't too complicated and didn't require me to constantly compare it with a to-size picture. So I just… Continue reading Meet Cinnamoroll! (Pattern)

Amigurumi, Animals

Meet the Cooking Bear! (Pattern)

Hey there! I'm back with another pattern! For once it's not a pokemon pattern, but worry not, more Pokemon are sure to come soon 😉 This week I'm bringing you the Cooking bear! Father's day is coming up here and my dad is getting a spices set from me as well as this cute little… Continue reading Meet the Cooking Bear! (Pattern)

Amigurumi, Pokemon

Meet Azumarill! (Pattern)

Hello folks! Surprise surprise, this week's pattern is Azumarill! I know, totally unexpected after I've previously shared Azurill and Marill with you. I am very happy to have the gang assembled now as this evolution line is easily in my Top 20! I hope you enjoyed this little "series" of patterns, stay tuned for the… Continue reading Meet Azumarill! (Pattern)


Meet Maple! (Pattern)

WHAT'S UP FOLKS! Animal Crossing New Horizons recently celebrated its 2nd birthday! While I still don't own the game, I really like Animal Crossing and hope to play this new one one day as well. So, to celebrate the anniversary, I decided to write out my pattern for one of my favorite villagers - Maple!… Continue reading Meet Maple! (Pattern)

Amigurumi, Pokemon

Meet Plusle and Minun! (Pattern)

Hello world, it's time for a new pattern! This week I'm bringing you Plusle and Minun from Pokemon! They're some of my favorite pokemon - I mean, look at them, they are sooo adorable, aren't they?! I've been meaning to make them for quite a while but never had just the right yarn, I had… Continue reading Meet Plusle and Minun! (Pattern)

Amigurumi, Pokemon

Meet Chikorita! (Pattern)

Hello world! It's time for my first Pokemon post!In a recent poll on twitter my followers have voted for my next "special" project to be Chikorita! I'd been wanting to make her for a veeeery long time but never had the right yarn, but now that I did, I was very excited to finally get… Continue reading Meet Chikorita! (Pattern)

Amigurumi, Animals

Meet Tora the tiger! (Pattern)

Hello everyone, it's time for a new pattern! In celebration of the year of the tiger, and because my giftbox still needed a tiger, I decided to just make my own! I'll admit I'm not 100% happy with him, but maybe someone out there loves him - so here we go! Pattern MaterialsTo make Tora… Continue reading Meet Tora the tiger! (Pattern)

Amigurumi, Animals

Meet the Coffee Bear! (Pattern)

Hello folks! Today I would like to share with you something that I've made quite a while ago, but was simple enough for me to figure out the pattern anyways: the Coffee bear! Why is he called the coffee bear? The answer is very simple. In our apartment, this guy watches over the coffee machine.… Continue reading Meet the Coffee Bear! (Pattern)

Amigurumi, Animals

Meet Gira, the giraffe (Pattern)

Hello world! Time for my very first post <3Let's start off with a simple rule: on here, you will NOT find paragraphs over paragraphs going over the origin of this project. I am not a fan of this; I like to keep things simple and clean. So let me just write a quick introduction, and… Continue reading Meet Gira, the giraffe (Pattern)